How to solve your problems on vacation?

What to do if someone tries to scam you while on holidays.

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How to solve your problems on vacation?

Restaurant closed, lack of rooms, abandonment of the pool, etc., are some of those situations that you can find when you arrive at the hotel chosen to enjoy the holidays. We tell you how to claim before a problem of this type.

Am I entitled to compensation if the hotel did not have the contracted services?

On many occasions, the reason for you to choose one hotel or another is, for example, the spa area, the category of the hotel or the distance to a specific point. When you as a client arrive at the hotel and the accommodation does not meet any of these contracted conditions, you can claim.

You can ask to be relocated if the hotel does not comply with what was contracted to enjoy the required services. You can be relocated to the same establishment or to one with similar or superior characteristics, that is, if you had reserved a room in a four-star hotel and you ask to be relocated because said establishment does not meet the contracted conditions, the hotel will have to find accommodation in a four-star hotel or higher.

Once you return from vacation, as a hotel guest you will be able to make a written irrefutable claim so that they proceed to the partial or total return of the money invested in case you have returned without enjoying the stay, as well as request compensation for the damages that can be quantified and justified.

What if it is a combined trip?

In this situation, you also have the right to claim the agency or the organizer. However, you should know that in cases where once the trip has started it has to be suspended for reasons beyond the control of both the agency and you, especially when natural disasters occur, which could not have been predicted before departure, the The agency will not be obliged to respond for the damages that you suffer due to the non-provision of the contracted services. However, when these natural phenomena were foreseeable because there were meteorological, seismographic or any other type of reports that warned of the possibility of these disasters happening, you can hold the tour operator accountable for lack of diligence and for endangering your life and integrity.

What happens if I get robbed at the hotel? Who is responsible for the damages?

Unless you have contracted the safe deposit box service, the usual thing is that no hotel is responsible for the theft of items that you may have left in the room where you are staying.

If you want to know more about your rights, call us.

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