Pros and cons of online job

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Pros and cons of online job

First of all, we are going to explain what telecommuting is. It consists of the performance of the professional activity without the physical presence of the worker in the company during a significant part of their working hours.

Today, due to the health crisis, it has been implemented in many companies.

At Audacia Abogados we want to tell you about the advantages and disadvantages of teleworking or what is the same, the pros and cons of teleworking. You should know that this varies depending on whether you are a worker or a company.

For the worker:

• Advantages

1. There is no expense in gasoline, because the worker is working from home, so he does not have to travel.

2. Savings in travel time by not having to go to the office in person, especially if he lives far from the workplace. Which also allows you to get rid of stressful situations like delays or traffic jams.

3. More time, as a result of the above, the worker will have more time that he can use to carry out activities with family or friends.

4. Food savings for those workers for whom their company does not pay their diets.

5. Comfort for the worker to be in his home and with his own work team.

• Disadvantages

1. Assume the costs of supplies, the worker assumes the costs of telephone and electricity as an increase in his usual bill.

2. Distractions at home, the worker may have children or people who live with him, so he may not be paying attention to the work he is doing due to these distractions.

3. Do not disconnect from work due to flexible hours, the worker may work more than necessary and have difficulties separating work life from personal life.

4. Expenditure of means of production.

For the company:

• Advantages

1. Less rent and supplies expenses, the company does not have to have a physical space as such, so these expenses are saved.

2. Less labor risks in this way the risk of an accident occurring on the way to the office does not exist.

3. Greater productivity, which makes employees more comfortable and with greater autonomy, making them more productive when doing their work.

• Disadvantages

1. Less control of the work process, the employee at home has total autonomy, so the employer does not have control of the process until the end.

2. Less brand image, as there is no physical space with which to link the brand and the workers little by little if there is not an excellent job in marketing and advertising, this can be lost over time.

3. Difficulty in teamwork, teleworking causes inconveniences when meeting if there is no physical place or due to the lack of a work environment, as well as relationships with colleagues.

To finish, we are going to tell you about a positive point that teleworking has for society, the most important for us is the reduction of pollution by having less travel by car and public transport.

Now that you know the pros and cons of teleworking, if you have any questions about teleworking at Audacia Lawyers we will solve it for you, do not hesitate to contact us.

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