Recommendations for a smooth divorce

Do you want to avoid the suffering of your children during the divorce? How to avoid arguments?

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Recommendations for a smooth divorce

In today's post, we turn to address the issue of divorces when there are minor children. Here are the guidelines to avoid trauma to children. The steps to take into account are the following, namely:

1. Avoid involving your children in the divorce

2. Keep emotions at bay

3. Try to reach an agreement

4. How to avoid arguments?

5. Accelerate procedures

6. The importance of the regulatory agreement

7. Why have a specialist lawyer?

Avoid making your children part of the divorce

Do not use them as a weapon against the other. It is more beneficial for both parents and children to be able to have a cordial relationship, maintained from serenity, avoiding mixing it with feelings such as resentment or anger. The psychological impact is less if the parents act collaboratively.

Minors need both their father and mother in their lives, therefore, from Audacia Abogados we do not advise that one parent speaks ill of the other in the presence of her offspring. It can generate a lot of confusion in the child, coming to feel guilty for the breakup and that can generate psychological consequences that mark him for life.

Keep emotions at bay

We always advise, although you know that it is very difficult to have controlled emotions. It is clear that it is not easy to break a life project with a person without going through different emotional states, but you have to try not to get carried away.

Try to reach an agreement

Your goal should always be to be able to do a mutually agreeable divorce. It is cheaper, faster, you will be exposed to much less emotional suffering, since sentences based on the concert of wills are fulfilled up to 85% more. On the other hand, the National Institute of Statistics places divorces by mutual agreement at 78.9% in Spain.

How to avoid arguments?

Having had a romantic relationship that has ended, many times you may feel that your partner wants to "make you pay" for the separation by punishing you in different ways related to the divorce. To avoid that, it is better that the communication is reduced significantly, and transmitted to the lawyer. This way you can leave out the feelings and focus on agreeing on the practicalities.

In this office, Audacia Abogados, in these matters we always indicate that we will deal with any conflictive matter directly with the lawyer of the other party.

Accelerate procedures

Try to collaborate as much as possible to avoid procrastination and waiting in this difficult time. The discussions only wear down the possibilities of agreement, and with it our options of being able to have our future in our hands, since if we do not agree, the judge will decide for us.

Therefore, if you are in a negotiation and there is no agreement on it and 15 days have already passed, we recommend starting with a contentious judicial procedure, since otherwise only the agony of all parties is prolonged.

The importance of the regulatory agreement

A good regulatory agreement lasts over time. A regulatory agreement is the document by which the former members of the couple decide on the aspects of their divorce by mutual agreement. All issues are collected, both financial and personal, and even the visitation regime for minor children or the corresponding pension. The content of this agreement is binding for both spouses and once it has passed through the judge's table.

Why have a specialist lawyer?

In any case, from Audacia Lawyers we indicate that you can come to us since one of our specialties is Family Law, our lawyers having specialized training in mediation to easily achieve the agreements you need. We will save you emotional suffering and time, call us and let us solve it for you.

More in Family Law

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