What is a notarized power of attorney for?
Everything you can do in a notary and you did not know.
More in Juridical servicesIt is normal that we have to do many procedures throughout our day to day and that sometimes it is very difficult for us to combine with all the tasks that we have pending or our working hours.
Partly for this reason there are powers of attorney before a notary. These can be of very different kinds and can authorize a family member, friend, acquaintance or even a professional to carry out specific acts on our behalf. This official document is used for a multitude of operations that can be named in detail in the content of the power of attorney, ranging from the delegation of the presentation of taxes, to the delegation to open a bank account or dispose of it.
Types of power of attorney
power of attorney
You may need to sell your house without having to travel to Torrevieja, in these times of Covid. A notarized power of attorney for sale can authorize the person of trust that you designate to take charge of the operation (and if you prefer, of the presentation and liquidation of the related taxes). In addition to housing, it can also be authorized to sell boats and vehicles.
power of attorney
It is a power that must be granted in favor of a lawyer and a solicitor so that he can represent us in the judicial sphere. Normally it is for all the procedures that we have, but it can also be limited to a single trial if that is what interests us.
power to marry
It is a special power that has a historical origin, and tried to unite in marriage people from different continents (normally military men) with women who were in Spain. Today this figure is still used, mainly by couples who have met through the Internet and want to formalize their relationship.
Power to divorce (nuntius)
This is a special power of attorney that empowers a person to divorce us on our behalf. It has a large series of limitations since, in summary, it tries to transfer our univocal will in only one direction.
various powers
This type of authorization does not always have representation in acts as important as the previous ones. There is also the option of ordering the presentation of some taxes, obtaining the NIE Number, or the opening and disposition of a bank account. These day-to-day actions can be really difficult to carry out from a distance, from another city, or even from this other country without having this type of tool.
On the other hand, there are special powers for faculties that we want to leave specifically for an act. They can be used for example for acts such as a donation.
In short, it is a legal instrument that aims to facilitate the figure of representation with the security of being an official public document, signed by a notary public, or what is the same, the notary.
If you need us to advise you on the preparation of a power of attorney to act on your behalf, call us, at Audacia Abogados we will advise you.
More in Juridical services